Thursday, February 19, 2009

February Update

Well, another shot at this blogging thing! We are still living in New Albany, trying to patiently wait on what God has in store for us next! The Amarillo, TX church isn't a go which is ok with us! We are excitedly anticipating our trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico this weekend to visit Sagebrush Community Church. This one feels like the right one and so different from any ones that we have seen/talked to thus far. God has been teaching us so much through this time and we are trying to learn as much as we can.

We have started attending Sojourn Community Church in Louisville and love it. Much smaller church but truly awesome and God is actively at work there. Tyler still attends and is involved with the middle school at NCC but we have stopped attending. We are sad but know that this is just another part of God's plan.

February 3 marked 1 year since my mom went to was a very sad day for me as I reflected back on her life and especially the last year of her life and the suffering she endured, but my wonderful friend Lori was quick to remind me that my mom is now in the presence of her Savior and the things of this world have quickly passed. I am so thankful she is no longer in pain! I miss her terribly but am still amazed at God's providential care for me - he has so protected my heart through this...I know it is God because otherwise I would be in a looney bin I think!

I recently became a Great Aunt AGAIN! My nephew Kenny (who is the Marines! so proud of him), became a daddy again in January to little Owen Michael - he now has 4 boys! Wow, he and Stephanie definitely have their work cut out for them!

Well I think that is all the news to share for now...can't wait to see what is next!

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